Struggling with multiple toolpaths (Solved by OP - removed pierce clearance)

I have a dfx file that I have extruded and created a setup and cut profie. It cuts all of the parts out except for some lines, Normally, I have been able to do a second cut fie for the lines and just turn off the lead in/lead out. For some reason I can’t get this to work. I create the cut profile, but it does not create a tool path,
Any ideas?

Never mind- I beat on this for a few hours until I zeroed out the pierce clearance


That is the secret. There has to be room for the torch to cut.

Many of us NEVER use any pierce clearance, without any negative consequences. It is speculated that is a throwback from the standard convention of CAM with milling machines that need time for the tool to spin up to speed. The extra clearance assures that the cutter head does not contact the part until it is fully up to speed. No such worries with plasma cutting.