Hi all, novice here.
My 7’ garage ceiling could fit the brake with stand, but hoisting it seems an awful challenge.
Would a minimal, thick wood stand work? Mount it to two 6x6" or 8x8" lumber beams resting on the floor, like the angle irons it ships with bolting it to the pallet. Does this seem feasible? I’m young and don’t mind squatting / kneeling to use the machine.
At ~800lbs a bench mount would requite a stout bench. A simple thick cube of 6x6s or 8x8s might suffice. There isn’t much lateral force in the jog, right? Not enough to rock it if it’s bolted down?
You might send that question to Langmuir and see what they say. I know they are likely to be a bit reluctant to encourage you to fabricate your own stand. Consider somehow it loosens and falls and you say “I followed the guidance of Langmuir!”
I think the ball is in your court. If you want to take full responsibility that your have reasonably secured the press and you are satisfied with it then that is on you.
Thanks Jim. I figured the official guidance would be pretty cautious and was hoping to get an honest best-guess from folks who have already assembled one.
I could assemble outside, yeah. Roll it in on some plywood. Should mention my garage floor is chipped patched concrete - not a smooth roll with a top-heavy thing. I’ve got big locking casters I could put on the 6x6s that would roll better than the tiny caster shown in the photos.
I’m also pinching pennies and figure I could whip something up for under $500 + shipping.
Not sure I can totally avoid hoisting, unless I can push the machine off the pallet and onto the 6x6s.
Big lag bolts into the wood are probably rigid-enough anchors, right? Machine movements seem very slow so I’m not too worried about it shaking, like a router table might.
The aluminum mounts are threaded to accept leveling feet if you choose to set it up on the bench. Those should be available on the store to purchase separate, but if they aren’t you can send a message to support asking to purchase the mounts and the hardware.
Didn’t know the mounts were threaded, thanks Daniel. I actually haven’t seen or read a single instance of somebody mounting the Titan to anything other than the official stand (or impressive self-fabricated DIY stands) across official pictures, YouTube videos, Instagram pictures. Have you witnessed it on the feet, and can verify it’s a fine mode of operation?
Until I get my stand built, I drilled holes for some HF wheels in the shipping steel, this will allow me to move this thing around a bit. quick n simple