Spindle disassembly cable (trying to test wiring after break-in program failure)

I’m trying to run the spindle breaking program, but unfortunately my CutControl shows that I’m stuck on line 7, which is the line “S1000 M3” ( instructing the spindle to turn on). After doing some wiring checks,I suspect there might be a power issue. When unplugging the spindle motor cable and using a multimeter to check the spindle motor outlet (e.g., the part within the electronics enclosure box), I verified that there’s 24V at each pin.

So I think there may be some issue with the internal wiring of the spindle itself. I’m in the process of disassembling it, and I’m finding it difficult to take the metal top off of the spindle (not sure what to call it–the cap?). A

fter taking out the screws, the top is able to rotate a little bit (see photo) but won’t come off when I pull vertically. I don’t want to cause damage to the machine–any tips for accessing the spindle end of the spindle motor cable?

P.S. I’ve already tried removing the cylindrical part with the cooling fins that’s mounted to the “cap”. After removing it, there’s no access to the spindle power cables.

Do you realize that the spindle break-in program is two hours long? Before you took this apart, did you try manually running the spindle with CutControl to see if it would run at all the selected speeds?
I would put it back together and call or text Langmuir.
Nothing good will work come from what you are doing.