Some one to demo a michine

Is there anyone around Dayton, Ohio willing to demo your machine. Very interested in buying one, but would like to see one first. My name is Dan and I own the Starlight Drive- In Theater in Mercer Country , Ohio. You can check me out on Facebook, this is no spam. Could drive 100 miles are so. Thanks Dan

I can’t help you as I’m way outside of Ohio. But I can vouch for how much fun it is to show off a machine like this (or at least it is for me).

I drag my Glowforge laser to people’s houses who want to play with one. Or I’ll have them over. I can spend a day doing nothing but showing what the Makerspace’s CNCs can do as well. I also take them to the local Maker Faires so lots of folks can see what is possible now. And if someone gets one, then you’ve got someone you know going through similar stuff you are (or did) and is able and almost always willing to kibitz or help or just share a beer.

There are some folks who don’t think it’s entirely normal to have a computer-controlled fire belching machine in their garage - it’s nice to have company :slight_smile:

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