[Solved] FireControl failing and Langmuir is impossible to get ahold of

My Firecontrol is freezing up within seconds of starting a cut. Well the torch stops moving and the code stops but the everything else is normal. Count is still counting up. Software is unresponsive though. Leaves torch on too.
I have a Hypertherm 65 and it is as far away as Langmuir’s plug n play CPC connector will allow it to be. I also have double loops chokes installed.
Any guesses on what to try?

I had a tech meeting with Langmuir scheduled for 10AM this morning and no one showed up. Their website says phone lines are open from 8-4 CST but the voicemail says they are closed and not open until 9 PST. So who the hell knows.

Laptop?? Running on battery or plugged to charger?

Unplug the charger…

Oh xr duh. Is cables touching frame?

Which cables matter? This is a new one that I have not ready yet.

I have a pro table if my USB going from laptop to control box touches the metal frame it will freeze everytime. Sound like electrical interference. Check all your cables. May need to eliminate ground plug to computer.

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Is it a pro or xr table? Is it a new USB?

My cables were touching. I moved them and it is still freezing.

Runs fine in dry mode without the plasma firing.

It is a new XR table.

What do you mean by new USB?

It is the USB that came with the table.

A replacement. Not sure if it would affect it on the xr. you may need to eliminate ground plug on the PC. You can buy adapter plug to do that with.

Got it! The isolator doggle was not connected. It never got installed. I cannot believe I managed to get 1/4" plate cut last night before having these issues.

New issue:
After first cut the torch is not firing right. It seems to be about 1 second slow on firing after cut 1. I will dig into my settings on that though.


Great to hear

Is your ground cable attached directly to your work ?