Smudge pot plans

Dose anybody happen to have the plans to burn out the pieces for a smudge pot? My friend brought one over tonight and I was extremely impressed… not I would really like to build my own

What’s a smudge pot? Forgive my ignorance.

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Yea, What he asked? Add me to the ignorant list. haha

Maybe this?

A smudge pot (also known as a choofa or orchard heater) is an oil-burning device used to prevent frost on fruit trees. Usually a smudge pot has a large round base with a chimney coming out of the middle of the base.

I think you can buy them for only 80 bucks. Doesn’t seem worth building one.

I know this is an old thread but appears to be the only thread on the topic. I do see a file on Fileshare from Dillon J Hart. Smudge Pot | FireShare | Langmuir Systems

Has anybody cut one of these? I think I am going to try one but had some questions of some of the parts in the file.

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