Shit the bed ( miss fire )

So you got to meet TinWhisperer and toolboy nothing like getting your lecture for the day…:slight_smile: pretty inspiring grouchy old men LOL

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thank you…I needed that compliment…hehehehehe

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ya…i’m an old guy…but need to learn about this system…ya…i got blasted from the stalwarts, but i don’t mind at all…i dont sweat the small stuff anymore…i respect their comments, as i am learning.
actually some good stuff in both comments…and yes, i know i’m not investing in a 20-30k system…and there will be problems to be solved after purchase…it truly is the trade off.
thanx for replies


I am an old guy also learning as I go

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so…from 1 old guy to another…razorweld as suggested by langmuir? or hypertherm?
which do you use and why? what extras do you have to buy if going the hypertherm way?

If you can afford a Hypertherm it would be all day long the Hypertherm, I bought my table as a hobby and I am using a Primeweld cut 60 with machine torch. It works just fine for me, it was taken off of the supported list due to electronic interference concerns. I have not had those problems with it the problems I have had have been mainly user error on the machine and/or the software “Sheetcam” and those were caused by the learning curve. BTW sheetcam is super easy to use I also use qcad and again the learning curve caused more issues than anything else. But then I am old and sometimes slow…:slight_smile:

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I bought the Razorweld thinking about it being a package deal that it had to be ready to run. After seeing the products created by the Hypertherm guys I wish that I had researched it a little more beforehand.

good to know…yep, leaning to hypertherm

It’s a matter of money. If you’ve got it go with the Hypertherm. It’s as much as the table but they invented plasma cutting tech and it shows.

Razorweld is a decent low price plasma good for those who can’t or don’t want to spend the dollars on HT. You can buy a lot of material to work on perfecting your process and settings for the price difference.

(I have both…nice to have one dedicated now for hand cutting and one always on the Crossfire.)

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