Shipping Schedule

Can we all just track shipping together and have an idea of timing. I don’t think anyone is disappointed with the delay these things happen especially with the current world conditions but if you have received all your equipment could you post your order number and date you received your last box? This would give all us impatient people an idea/timeline to how far out our order is. That way we aren’t hoping in one hand and… I know I was hoping to get a tracking number only to receive a notice of delay i would feel more comfortable knowing how far out I really am as opposed to receiving last minute delay notifications.

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Be careful for what you ask for. Last I saw the order numbers recently delivered are above 12000 and I’m pretty sure there are thousands above that. I’m not sure I want the forum polluted with thousands of “I got mine!” posts…
If it’s limited to one thread that the rest of us can ignore, then maybe…


Did you sit down at your computer with your chair backwards and say “hey preppie” before you started typing? Lol

There’s a thread for this already. @Agent86 had a spreadsheet but I don’t know if he’s keeping it going now that he got his machine. You should be able to find it.

I can certainly send the spreadsheet to another member if they interested in keeping it updated for ‘Batch 3’. The spreadsheet was watching Batch 2 thread at this time. If someone wants it just give me your email address and I will send it to you.

Or make it a Google sheet with a shared link and then anyone on the forum can keep it updated themselves.


I am not familiar with google sheet. Can I send the spreadsheet to someone who will know what to do with it?

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Sure. Just send it to me in a PM.

I will do so tomorrow.

So here’s the spreadsheet of known shipments and dates for each box by order # and forum user.

Anyone with the link below can update with their information as they get notifications and receive their shipments.


This is awesome thank you

Big saved by the bell fan?

Nice dataset - added an order placed field to calculate the order cycle time and get an average.

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Nothing like putting the pressure on Langmuir! :smiley:
Perhaps you should put in a trigger that automatically sends an email to Langmuir if they fall behind on their order fullfillment…

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I’m pretty sure they already know :grinning:

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12187 just got last box a week ago.


Do you know what day/date you place the order?

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Actually no, my initials are AC and its been my nickname because of other people that liked the show.

Ah. The “preppie” and backwards chair comment is a saved by the bell reference…