SheetCam-Outside Offset

In SheetCam, if the tool path is not a closed object, the tool path always uses NO offset eventhough I have specified an offset. Is there a way to over ride this algorithm?

I tried several methods and was unable to find a way to offset the open paths. According to some older Sheetcam forum posts, you used to be able to select “offset open paths” in the cut path tab on the jet cutting operation. That option is no longer there.

I’m not sure why you would want to offset open paths, except to eliminate the pierce hole if you somehow could place a lead-in outside the part.

When indexing a large design into segments that fit on to the table work area, you need to break the large design into open paths so each can be done within the constraints of the table. These successive burns are joined after the workpiece is moved to the next segment. In that case being able to specify start points (hence the cut direction) is essential.

I’d be surprised if this feature has been removed, but all the more reason for me to stay on V0.9.20 :grinning:

You can still edit the start points on any path. After you have created your jet cutting operation, click on the “edit start points” tool and then click the start point you want to move and drag it to the other end of the path.

Thanks, but, in this case, start point is important ONLY if you can offset the cut on an open path.