SheetCam and Mach3 Pierce Delay

My original speed was around the 110 area and out of frustration I went faster and got better results.

Good luck

Yeah I might have to do that… I cut this out yesterday… the top dross isn’t bad but the bottom could b better.


That looks good, that was the frustration that got tired of, riding the angle grinder with a flap disc, now it takes no time on most cuts with a magnet bed to set it on.

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0.9mm tips are rated at 30 amps minimum and 40 amps maximum and should be run at about 65/70 psi.

I didn’t know gamblegarage sold Tecmo IPT consumables only Trafimet S45 that are not for the Primeweld cut 60.

good to know about the PSI. I was just going off the chart in the manual for 16 gauge. I will try to up it to see if anything changes.

Yes, gamblegarage sells PT/IPT60 consumables. I bought a set to try out. been good so far but will get a couple from your shop to try out as well.