Sheet Metal Size for Cutting Area


I was wondering if the size of the sheet metal must be within the size of the cutting area, roughly 25" x 23.5" or can I slide a sheet thats larger?

Thank you,

Hi Ellie… Of course you can slide in larger pieces of material to cut…

Many use things to support the extra material while you cut out a project… Roller stands like below or adjustable sawhorses are pretty handy. Both can be had at your local big box store… I’ve cut 4’ x 4’ but, you could go just about at large as you could support!!

Generally, the larger the material you purchase, the more affordable… So, in time, you’d make back your purchase of supports… Nice eh?

Good Luck!!! -Bill P


The Crossfire was specifically designed to allow larger pieces of material to be used than the bed size itself. That’s why the X axis gantry is cantilevered without another y-axis rail and screw on the outside of the bed. Similarly, you can slide pieces along the y-axis without bumping into anything on the y-axis rail.

The roller stand is easy to find at the big box stores. I have a few from Lowes that were about $20 each. (I use them for woodworking as well.)

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I use 4x5 sheets.Trim off the left overs with a cutoff wheel as i go to lighten it up and make it easy to move around.

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