Sand blast hood do you have a favorite?

Any of you guys have a sand blast hood you really like? I need a new one and was wondering what one to get.

I don’t use it often so no fresh air or any other high dollar options

I would like to be able to change lens easily

I just use the cheap one from Harbor freight that has a hardhat inside of it. Takes about 30 seconds to change out the window.

I looked at the harbor freight on line and don’t know if its that style or not. I have that style now but it looks a lot different then the harbor freight.

I will have to stop in and check it out

I just looked for it on line and couldn’t find it. Maybe they discontinued it, I bought mine a few years ago.

Looks like Northern Tool has one that’s pretty similar.

here is the one I was looking at
I have one like yours but on mine they only staple the hood to the hard hat and mine all came loose.