Rotating part in fire control have you tried it? (Solved)

This my first time trying to rotate a part in fire control.
XR table

So I had a part the I was going to cut out of a full sheet and decided I wanted to rotate it 90 degrees for less waste. When I did the origin did not move with it, and I guess it cant,
Would have been ok if it had rotated on the point the origin was on but it moved the part several inches from it. Not sure if this makes sense or not. might have to try it to see what I mean.

Did it not prompt you to reset point of origin?

I did not see anything no

I am running the older version of fc. On a pro anytime I rotate a part it I was thinking it asks you if you want to reset the origin.

Rotate the part and then click on “set origin”. Click on the green box where you want the new origin.

You can manually change the origin point in FireControl using the “Set Program Origin” function. This will create 5 options - one on each corner & one in the middle. Select the green box where you want the origin point to be and you’ll be good to go.


Thank you never even saw that button change!