Resume from same spot

If FireControl has not lost the image of your part on the visualizer and you have not moved the torch and the settings are all still intact then “Yes.”

Click on the line or loop on the visualizer that you want to start the cut. FireControl will then ask if you want it to generate the program from that point. You say “Yes”.

Then send the torch to “Work Zero.” Now press “Start.”

This link goes to a longer description of what is happening and “how to do it”. It is with a 3 year older FireControl interface so some of the wording is different. I don’t think this description states putting the torch back to “Work Zero” or the starting position, but I have found that it seems to set things up better for FireControl to go thru the whole IHS and turn-torch-on scenario before it starts to cut. (But it could just be my superstition).