Reset limit switches

hello there. i had to unhook one of my limit switches to rerout the wiring. Once i hooked it back up the machine no longer recognizes the limit in that location. How do i reset the limit switches to solve this? Thank you

Double check you connections. If they are good, check your wire for cuts or pinches.

You may have to did out the multimeter and ohm out the cord to make sure there are no breaks.

If all you did is unhook the wires, move the routing, and hook back up, your problem is in what you did. Not the control system.

i need to reset my table limits any idea how to do this ?

Welcome to the forum Bob!

I assume you are talking about your “soft limits?”
Download this pdf. Beginning on page 31 of this document, you will find what you need:
LimitSwitchKit_InstallationGuide_v3.pdf (3.7 MB)