Razorweld 45 for sale

$500 shipped from Indiana. Has been used for about 40 minutes of total cutting time. I cut thicker material and this isn’t the right machine for me. Waiting on new tips from gamblegarage. Will include those as well. Torch fires fine, doesn’t have the misfire issues others have had…just wont cut 1/8” or thicker with a square edge. I’m moving to a heavier duty machine. PM me if interested.

If it wont cut 1/8” inch square or rounded corners it must be faulty. My 30i cuts those on 1/8” just fine at 20amps on 110v.

Sorry for the confusion. What I meant was that I can’t get the edges of the cut to be tangent to the material surface. If I cut 1/8” or thicker the edge is always beveled…more than what is normal for a plasma. When I cut thinner material it works well. Other than that I have no issues with the machine. Since I primarily use 1/8” or thicker I need the edges to be right…so I’m going to get a different machine.

That stinks. You will always have a slight bevel with plasma. Usually a bevel is caused from faulty consumables, cut height too tall or could even be cutting in the wrong direction. Do you have pictures? Both the cut and drop?

I realize there will always be some sort of bevel. I’m having the same issues Oneupperformance was having with the arc being off. I’m hoping the new consumables will help once they arrive from gamblegarage. Either way the RW45 isn’t going to be for me.

Another thought. The swirl ring could be in backwards which would leave the good cut on the drop.


I had this exact problem out of the box. i flipped it and it resolved 90% of my issues.

how can you tell if the swirl ring is the wrong direction?

Kind of hard to tell by looking at it but there are little holes in the swirl ring that are at an angle to the outside and inside diameter. They need to be pointed in the direction that produces a clockwise swirl of air when looking at the back of the torch or a ccw swirl when looking at the tip. It you have an extreme bevel on your part but not on your drop then it’s in backwards assuming all others parameters are correct.

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$400 if anyone is interested?

Not sure what plasma you are getting to replace razor but my welding supply said they will give me $10 per amp on a trade for a Thermal Dynamic 60i. He said it was a program through TD. If I can’t get my Razor 45 cutting straight I will do that.

I should have mentioned I have the same problem and new consumables did nothing. I called Razor and explained the problem and they are sending me a new torch. I had a very good experience with their customer service.


Are you still selling the razorweld 45?

I went from the RW45 to a Hypertherm 45. Night and day difference. I think at a entry level or small time hobby level the RW is ok. If you’re using a plasma cutter as part of a respectable business look for something else.

Yes, I still have it for sale.