RazorWeld 45 fine tips

I’m new to plasma cutters and loving this machine and what it’s allowed me to do. I was talking to another fabricator about my table and he mentioned fine tips. I recently bought these replacements tips ( https://www.ebay.com/itm/Razorweld-45-cutting-Nozzle-RWPD-0116-8-package-of-5/232629781497?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2649 ) just to have some backups but was curious if there is something else recommended for even better cuts on more complex designs but still compatible with the RW45.


Hard to tell - it could be that they’re .8mm tips which are the standard ones delivered with the machine (I’m guessing that from the -8 on the part number). Gamble has .6mm which are finer tips for low amperage more detail cuts. There are also 1.0mm tips for higher amp (>30A) cuts.

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Good to know. Thanks James

I have the .6, .8 and .9

if you want a 1.0 tip you need a different electrode.