Racing Go Kart DXF File?

Does anybody have a DXF File for a Racing Go Kart that cuts good. My 12 year old grandson is racing them and would like to cut him a sign for his room… Thanks Dave

Here are a couple you might like. The one has quite a bit of small detail that might get discarded: depends on the size you make it.
Search in your internet browser for “Go Cart Silhouette”

Disclaimer: Now keep in mind, these are just grabbed off the internet. I have no permission, nor do you, to make money off of these images.


Jimmy’s disclaimer. Proceed with caution :warning:


Think he is being watched?:thinking: I would have never thought to add that to my response

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Everyone is being watched. I live in an area where there seems to be people watching for all sorts of copyright infringements. Lots of artists, actors and writers in our community.

My gist of it is that I suspect there is a finders fee for someone to report. If any money is too be paid, they stand to get some of it.


Go find a silhouette you like and post as jpg. Nothing with watermarks. I should have time this afternoon if no one else wants to attempt it.

What size?

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