Can anyone explain what the ‘fuzzy’ line under this component means?
It’s not selected, but it’s also not yet ‘attached’ to anything else in the assembly.
For what it’s worth, I turned off Sketch visibility for the component and the ‘fuzzy’ disappeared. Note that the one and only sketch in the component had visibility turned off.
I turned ‘Sketches’ visibility back on and still no fuzzy…
hit esc and see if if disappears.
Normally i get them when something in selected. the dash slated lines will show on both the time line and browser to indicate the selected part.
if nothing is selected then I am not sure?
glitch ?
Dunno. seems like. Once it was gone it didn’t come back. I’ll try ‘esc’ if it happens again.
I had recently saved that component as a separate component (not built into this assy), but can’t say that was the cause.
esc . ctrl X . ctrl Y. I use these often while CAD ing
I just had a similar situation with that dashed line under a sketch that was not selected and not active:
So I activated that component and turned on the visibility of that sketch and it went away:
We need an entomologist to solve this one!