Problem after problem

What cable(s) should the ferrite chocks go on? The USB from the laptop to control box I understand. Any others? All of them? TIA

I have them on almost every wire…

Thanks. As inexpensive as they were (from Amazon) I’m a little surprised that Langmuir didn’t include them.

I guess where I’m confused is, as mentioned, the torch stops firing halfway through. When I run the job again with the same tip, it cuts nicely until it reaches roughly the same halfway point.

My setup does blow a fair amount of water up onto the sheetmetal. The tip passes through the puddles. Is that an issue? Should I lower the level of water in the pan?

Water in the air supply can be a problem, but water on the material surface won’t bother the plasma arc. On thin material, I actually spray a stream of water directly at the arc. The air velocity is so great that whatever visible water you are seeing is blown out of the way.


Maybe someone can add to this but I believe I read that there is a fix/modification to the RW45 to rectify this issue? Something with a jumper, maybe? I run a Hypertherm so didn’t get too deep into it, but there were instructions on the Langmuir site. Again maybe someone can add to this, whether it is even relevant. Also, in terms of a water separator, what you have would be the minimum. I don’t believe this is your issue but you may want to consider a Motor Guard “toilet paper” filter just before the plasma. Again, I don’t think it’s your problem here, but when you get going it will help immensely with your quality.

Here is the link to the bulletin: RAZORCUT45 Misfire Issue - RAZORWELD TECH BULLETIN 9/23/2020


Posting a video is the next step if you want help solving this.

I had alot of frustrations with my table as well, that is until I put the chokes on my usb cable. THEY WORK!!
I still get an error or two here and there, but nothing like before.


which chokes are you guys using? are the all the same except for cable size?

so I need 10 characters to finish a post…so here is the rest of the post to get 10 characters…

I ordered them off Amazon. Couldn’t tell you specifics until they arrive (tomorrow supposedly) I also ordered a “shielded” USB cable with chokes. I’ll post an update once I fit everything.

great visual for ferrite chokes

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I bought this table R45 in August 2020, I received it in December, and to this day I have not been able to make a complete cut without problems, I feel so frustrated, I have invested more than 6K for nothing.

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I bought this table in August 2020, I received it in December, and to this day I have not been able to make a complete cut without problems, I feel so frustrated, I have invested more than 6K for nothing.

I feel your pain.

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so…let us get this sorted out…you have problems…maybe we can help…
why not give us some information and we can help…

do you have the pro table? or the 2x2 table?
do you have THC?
are you running with a laptop or a PC?
is your computer system still grounded with the ground plug…or is it cut off to isolate the ground?
what design software and post processing software are you using?
do you have a big enough compressor and is the air filtered and dry…?
what plasma cutter do you have?
is your work clamp to the metal or on another part?

all this information will help us diagnose a problem.

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do you have the pro table?
-I have a CrossFire CNC 4x3

do you have THC?
-Yes, THC

are you running with a laptop or a PC?

is your computer system still grounded with the ground plug
…or is it cut off to isolate the ground?
I using the laptop unplugged.

what design software and post processing software are you using?
I using Fusion 360 for design and Fire-Control for cut

do you have a big enough compressor and is the air filtered and dry…?
Yes, I have a big air compressor and air filter system

what plasma cutter do you have?
Razor 45

is your work clamp to the metal or on another part?
I using the clamp direct to the metal sheet attached.

Now that we have that information, what problems are you experiencing? Have you been able to generate a cut file using the correct post processor for Fusion 360? If so, what issues are you seeing with cuts?

the problem is: at the begins to cut and at 30% of the progress, the torch turns off.
I insist on continuing and the head returns to the place where it was interrupted and makes the attempt but does not go beyond that point.
In one of the many insistence, it could happen, but quickly the failure is caused again. and for nothing, I can finish cutting the designed piece.

can you possibly post the file…the tap file…