Plasma problems! 23 amps PTM 80 torch w/ Everlast 82i

Okay so ive been cutting successfully 1/2" down material without any issues. Things were going awesome!
I got a sheet of 3/4" steel finally to really test the machine out and cut some excavator brackets.
First bracket cut great no issues. Onto the second bracket.
Things go wrong about 5 inches into the cut. My machine is tanking down to 23 amps then bouncing back and forth between the 70 amps I had it set on. It eventually will not cut at 70 amps at all and only stays at 23 amps when I start to cut, no matter what i have the amps I need set at.
So i started with a new ground end. Bought the expensive copper ground clamp, replaced the consumables and made sure it was cleaned inside. Still doesnt work.
I checked my power supply to the machine and its getting full power to the outlet/machine.
Full air pressure to the machine as well.
This is the Everlast 82i machine with the PTM80 CNC torch head that was supplied with it. Its only a couple months old.
Ive sent emails out to everlast but figured I would see if others had the same problem ever and how your resolved it ?

23 amps is the pilot arc voltage. It’s not transferring to the cutting arc, so something may be wrong with the plasma cutter. This is probably going to be an issue for Everlast to solve.

I did have someone from facebook group say he had the same issues with his and it was the torch. Melting inside. Said he had to warranty it out 3 times and finally just bought the hypertherm torch. Was just hoping maybe someone one point me towards something else that could be causing it ha

By any chance did you check the fuse to see if it was good as it works off the positive/ground.

I have the same setup and am having the same issues. Throughout the cut the Everlast drops to 23 amp then jumps back up. It also consistently drops to 23 amp at the end of every cut. Langmuir has said its a THC issue and sent me a chip and new THC box, neither has fixed the issue. I am hoping you have new info to share.

They sent me circuit solenoids and i replaced them on my Everlast. That didnt fix it. Then they sent me a new control board and that didnt fix it. So since the machine was still pretty new they sent me an entirely new Everlast problem and that fixed it. I was down for over a month. It sucked but yeah the fix was a whole new plasma machine

I also thought maybe THC was the problem but it wasnt. I tested by just doing straight cuts on the table with thc off and it still kept dumping to 23 amps

My Everlast 82i is dropping to 23 amp with and without THC turned on. Guess I will be talking to Everlast… The 82i I bought new when I bought the XR table, and the 82i does not have much time on it. I will update when I have a resolution.

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