Plasma not firing. Help Please SOLVED

Also which resistance test was it that showed low resistance? It could be something like your usbport touching your control box

When it hits low 40s is when it’s raising

It was locking in it’s smart voltage at 48 volts which is way too low to start.

What amperage are you running for that cut?

And I’m sure you’ve confirmed putting the clamp on the material itself.

It’s too bad the second video isn’t just a little bit over so we could see the IHS indicator right.

Which plasma torch are you running and at how many amps?


if you raise your torch all the way up and then do a manual fire from firecontrol what live voltage do you see (this is same as the THC test)?

If its not interference, then I think it’s in your THC wiring, i’d keep going with that THC diag guide.

But Tin is better at this stuff than I am so i’d prob listen to him lol