Plasma cutter starts cut then blows air

Hey y’all I need some help, so I finally got around to trying to make my first cut and when I click cycle start on the mach3 my plasma will arc for maybe 1-2 seconds then start blowing out air. I’m new to this field, can anyone help me out. I set the air regulator on the vipercut 30 to 75psi as recommended, but now every time I turn on the plasma cutter it just shoots out air.

Have you tried lowering the air pressure? And is that 75 psi with the torch on or just with the plasma cutter on?

I’ve tried lowering the psi, I found 20-30psi worked out to cut, I was able to cut a square but however I’m still having the same issue as before

@Stevenbeck24 Does your plasma cutter successfully transfer the pilot arc to the material? If the arc is not transfered after a few seconds the pilot arc turns off. If you are too far away from the material (torch stand-off height) or you don’t have the work clamp attached it won’t transfer the arc. Can you upload a video to Youtube of your issue and post the link here so that we can better diagnose the issue?

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okay, played around with it today and found out the problem i was able to do a couple of cuts, however i found a new issue :roll_eyes: when I’m in mach3 and if i try to control the torch without a .tap file(moving the directional keys to control torch) when i control against the Y axis the rail doesn’t move fluent, meaning if i hold the direction key it moves and like slams then i have to release key and move it another say 1/4 inch and it continues to “slam” until i get it to the correct position i want.

Hey @langmuir-mike I posted the video of the problem I’m having, have any idea on a troubleshoot?

Hi Steve,

Sorry for the delay in addressing this issue. Check out this thread for how to solve it: Gantry too tight (Y axis)

The first thing you’ll want to make sure of is that the lead screws are properly lubricated with either oil or grease. If they are, then please walk through the troubleshooting steps listed in post #10 of that thread.

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