Parts cut for a late model race car



That front clip looks like an old Howe design clip. Looks good.


Howe? Old? That may be the biggest insult I’ve ever gotten.

Howe is chassis builder I believe

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Yes. I know. They haven’t done anything impressive since the 70’s, and they haven’t done anything, ever, that looks this good. Maybe if Rat has nothing to do with circle track racing, and the only latemodel he’s ever seen is a Howe, I won’t be as insulted. lol

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I think you shouldn’t feel insulted in any case. @rat196426 asked a simple question and told you that it looked nice. I’m not sure what else you’re looking for, but I’d take his comment as a well intended compliment.


Wasn’t meant to be an insult.
Howe built chassis all the way up to early 2000, Thier chassis won a lot of the ARCA late model races at Various tracks, along with Dillion chassis as well.
I run ARCA sportsman class for seven years, won with my own chasis built frames.


I think Howe is still building chassis, as is Dillon. I meant Howe hasn’t done anything impressive since the 70’s. Maybe 80’s. They fell way behind in the latemodel game as far as I’m concerned. I meant there’s a lot better chassis out there, and I feel my front clip looks better than any Howe front clip I’ve ever seen. I wasn’t really offended, I was making a joke at Howes expense.