Pacific northwest

Is there anybody from the Pacific northwest that has ordered or received a table? I’m in grays harbor county and I’m hoping to maybe find someone knowledgable near me that might be able to teach me a thing or two. I have over 1000 lbs of 10 ga. m.s. and about 300lbs of 14 ga stainless. I get material for a dewalt good price, but my computer knowledge is limited. Let me know if anyone is out there!

I’m in the Portland Area so I don’t think I am close enough. I am batch 2 so I have not received anything yet and most likely won’t till the end of September due to my batch 2 order number.
But if I can help let me know :slight_smile:

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Portland is only a couple hours away, and I’m always up for a road trip! I’m second batch order #2410. Maybe one of these days we can meet up and trade some metal for some knowledge!

I’m always down for some horse trading. I’m order 2190 so if I get mine set up and figured out I will keep ya posted.

Sounds good to me! Let me know what materials you need and I’ll start stock piling them!

I’m 2377. Feels like a long time from now. Like a kid waiting for Christmas :grin:

I figure batch 2 is likely to be delayed based on the delivery rate of batch 1 units. Hoping for Thanksgiving at least so I can maybe use it for Christmas gifts

Still have to move a circuit for the torch but figure I have time.

I’m in Silverdale. My table was supposed to be here this week, but it is looking like 2nd week in September now. I am interested in horse trading material or doing a joint order that could benefit those of us up here. I have a large garage with weld stuff, but not a production shop. Also have a 2 post lift and bar to sweeten the deal! lol.

I’m about 2 hours from silverdale. Let me know when you get your table, and make a list of material you want to try out!