Old school crossfire sell price

Has anyone sold thier old school crossfire?I have the waterpan and xl kit to sell without a plasma or computer.Im just not sure what the going prices are.

Did you replace the slats? They don’t look used at all.

Yeah i replaced them and got it ready to sell right after i got my pro together 2 years ago lol.


@Heath ,

I am not sure about how much it cost then but…

Some stuff to take in to consideration here:

  1. Does it work?
  2. Have you made a video of it working?
  3. How much did it cost when you purchased it?
  4. Are you willing to let go of it for less of a price than expected?
  5. S & H

Picking up may be a different idea where you may get more for the machine.


P.S. Even if the machine electronics are older w/out support these days, you can always upgrade the electronics w/ another type of controller and motors…

Good luck and Godspeed! Selling used equipment is always difficult but eBay.com and local Penny Pincher pages may come in handy.

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I haven’t seen Langmuir say they’re not supporting the OG. I have an OG table that I installed the extension rails on (+ the CF Pro :slightly_smiling_face:). Except for needing to run Mach3 and Firecontrol haven’t had a problem in a few years so can’t say what Langmuir would tell me if I reached out for help but I expect they’d do it.

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That is good to know! I was not testing or trying to get on a wrong side of things here.

Now, I know…
