No usb connection

New guy here , Mach 3 is responding to my laptop, (x and y values change with arrow keys) but stepper motors don’t respond, I removed electronics cover and there is a red flashing light right by USB port, any thoughts please

Did you selected rnr motion controller for your device?

Start mach 3. Select the crossfire profile. Go to the function cfg’s menu. Select reset device sel… click ok. Close mach 3. Reopen mach 3. Select crossfire profile. Click agree. Select rnr motion control. Click ok. Click big red reset. Should be good to go.

Do you hear the stepper motors humming?

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Thanks your advice got the stepper motors humming, however the no connection problem still exists , I’m thinking it’s the download of Mach3 , I must have made a mistake in the process, also in the lower right hand corner of the Mach 3 page in the profile category I have “plasma” and I think it’s supposed to say crossfire… what a mess

You need the Crossfire plug-in downloaded and copied to the Mach3/plugins folder. You also need the Crossfire profile copied to the Mach3 folder (so you can pick it instead of “plasma”). If you have Windows 10 you need that patch (you run that one, it’s not a file you copy to a directory).

Make sure you use the Mach3 Loader shortcut to start it, not Mach3 Plasma.