No M03 comands on any line

After testing and breaking in my CF table I attempted to cut an 1/8" reinforcing plate. I use Sheet Cam to create the program, loaded into Mach3, checked the tool path. Everything looked good so I attempted to cut the plate. Torch did not fire. Torch on off fires the torch so it appeared there is likely a program issue. This my first experience creating G code. I know a M03 code needed to start and M05 to stop it. Looked at the program line by line. There is not a M03 code in any line and only 1 M05 (in the last line in the program). I will start over and create to program again in Sheet Cam and see if anything changes.

Is there something obvious I may have missed.

Thanks in advance.


did you create a tool set also?

Yes. Tool 1 1/8" mild steel CM39

What post-processor did you setup? There are a couple of Sheetcam provided Mach3 posts as well as a couple of customized ones for the Crossfire uploaded here.

I am using Mach3 as the crossfire tutorial shows. I have a friend who uses Sheet Cam, Mach3 as the post processor and to operate a cnc router and a lathe. I forwarded him a dxf of the plate. He created a program and has sent it to me. Ran a simulation and torch operation / tool paths seem to be correct. looked at the G code and it has M03 and M05 codes appear as required.

I have deleted and developed new programs several times with no change in the final results. My only discovery has been that when I run simulation in Sheet Cam prior to running post-processor, the torch shows to be switching on/off. Once the post-processor is ran and the program is loaded into Mach3 there are no lines with M03 or M05 so it will not fire the torch as before.

I think I need to try a change in post-processor.

Can you post a screenshot of the Sheetcam post processor setup window? There are multiple Mach 3 posts in Sheetcam (like a dozen :slightly_smiling_face:). It’s the Options/Machine/Post menu. You want the “Mach 3 Plasma” profile unless you’re using the customized version I uploaded which is “Mach 3 plasma milliseconds” which contains the changes to handle the subsecond delay bug in Mach 3.

And you defined a “jet cutting operation”?