Newbie fusion 360 Problem

That was my get well card when I had gout. Jimmy, you’re so thoughtful.

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Simworx you are the man. I changed it to opengl and it uploaded


I remember tracking down one of them back in the mid 80’s. I needed to replace this upper ball joint or something on a '78 Plymouth Volare. I know very little about cars but was unemployed and we could not afford to take the car to a shop. The parts store told me the special socket I needed and told me where to find the Snap-on dealer. I remember is cost somewhere around $50.

That’s right. I couldn’t remember what would get a stud like you down. (There must be some hidden innuendos in that sentence. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:)

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Anyone else have a flashback to Ricardo Montalban singing Volare in a TV commercial? :scream::flushed:


Those Tennessee Mountains have grown. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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No, James. Only you are having that ‘thrill’… :rofl: :thinking: :nerd_face:


There was no making lemonade out of that lemon car. That was one of the reasons I stopped subscribing to Consumer Reports magazine. They rated the Violare as a great car to buy. A year later they downgraded their assessment to a solid black dot due to its fuel system. It died at stop signs unless you kept your foot on the gas while you also braked. When you pulled out from a stop, you had to flutter the accelerator to stop it from dying.

No singing about that car.


Jimmy, Chrysler made me a Ford man.
You just might resemble Old Riccardo just a little.


I was hunting in Wyoming at the time.