Newb: sell me on this machine

I’m considering buying this machine. I will be using for hobby fab. Things like brackets, link tabs, suspension parts, furniture parts etc. probably in the range of 22g up to 1/4 occasional 3/8
I have a hypertherm 600 with upgraded torch.

I’m not that good with software/computers. would this setup be good for me?

It doesn’t cost any money to watch the how to videos put out my langmuir. If its not something your willing to put in the time or effort to learn the computer part its not worth it

I tell my CNC students, it’s not the machine you’re going to spend the most time with, it’s the design part.

Definitely try to get comfortable with a 2D design package like Inkscape or Corel. That’s the real tricky part. Then you have a couple of options on how to make the Crossfire cut your design out - Fusion 360 (free) or Sheetcam ($).

I know 80 grandmothers who couldn’t do any of this and now make their own jewelry and stuff for families & friends.

Check out - join for $20, it’s a great place for plasma folks & designs.

Langmuir has made the barrier of entry for this work feasible for the hobbiest and light producer. However, if it were so simple everyone would be doing it. There is a learning curve. It took me about a month of reseach to get going and another month to get comfortable with the software - ( doing about 30 designs… or so. ) Then of course when you are done, You still probably have to finish those parts… ( again more work, learning and more tooling etc )

It definitely takes some work, watch videos, try it, watch videos, take a few notes, try it. It is a bit of a challenge but just knowing you can do CNC work when you learn it is a big deal for me. I am not very computer literate and I got my machine in April and I can whip out a part in just a few minutes now. The unlimited potential of what you can do is a really cool thing. Well worth the time and effort.
Good luck!

I completely understand there will be a learning curve. I’m not unteachable, and not completely ignorant about computers and software. It’s just not one of my stronger attributes and I have zero experience with design software.
I definitely plan on watching and learning as much as I can. I’m also getting familiar with this website so i’m just now discovering what it has to offer for training and learning.
Thanks for your input.

How complete is the software that comes with this? Does it require other software other than what is included? I know it is dependent upon usage, size, quantity etc. but for basic parts like link tabs, brackets, maybe a few letters/words etc. is fairly turn key?

There really isn’t any software that comes with it. It does require mach3 for which there is a trial version which might be enough for brackets and things but is limited in such a way as to make most text programs too big to run. you’ll likely need a license form that so I would plan on it. Everything else can be had at no cost for personal use and you can choose what you want to use for design and CAM the machine doesn’t limit you in any way in that regard. Langmuir suggests Fusion360 that will do everything you want and provides tips and training for it specific for the crossfire so it’s a good start.

You don’t get any software with it except maybe the trial version of Mach3, they state up front that you will need to buy a full version of Mach3. Do it.
The other one you will need but is free is Fusion 360. Great program, just download it .
To start out don’t worry about Sheetcam, inkscape or corel or any others. Concentrate and learn these two, download Fusion 360 today and start playing with it.
All the Crossfire videos are based on these two programs, watch the videos as you go and you will be amazed how simple it really is.
These are the only two necessary for a newb to get the thing fired up, don’t clog your brain with others until your able to use these. Unfortunately Fusion just did a major upgrade so the Crossfire videos will not match perfectly but I am sure they are working on updates and you can fumble through to get started.
Dont wait to get the machine to start drawing crap on Fusion for practice. It cost nothing but your time to draw up a bunch of stuff you may never cut.
Good luck man. It sure is fun.

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Thanks I will start playing with Fusion!

I can’t find Fusion 360 for free. I found a free trial version but the subscription is $495/year.

You have to set it up for a start up company. Langmuir has a video that explains the whole process. Those videos are a good place to get all your basic information.


Keep clicking around, you are a hobiest or startup, you may have to click through to find it.

I found the same as you and my son clicked it through and came up with it for free. It is there somewhere but they don’t make it easy.
Did you use the link on the Langmuir page?

Just for reference, I had ZERO drawing/drafting experience going into this. I have a decent feel for computers in general but nothing like the Fusion 360. I blindly ordered a crossfire on the early bird offers and then realized very soon that I never thought about the software. I immediately started experimenting with fusion360 and it took a while but I eventually got the gist of how the thing works. I’m far from a professional but I can get it to do a lot of cool stuff now. I use my crossfire strictly for my own tinkering projects and making things for my farm occasionally. I really like playing with it but my time is limited.


Another idea is let people know what part of the country you are in and maybe someone close will let you come try out their machine.

I’m in North Alabama

There is a crossfire owners map in this forum somewhere, just search for it and add yourself.

With a little luck you might find someone close by that will let you play with thier machine.

Real customer feedback is probably more valuable to you than our (biased) lens, but in conjunction with what folks said here, there is a learning curve, but we firmly believe that if you have the desire to learn, and can get a hang of the basics, you’ll be on a strong path forward to using this machine for all the needs to mentioned!


Thanks for the info, I’m on your map now.

Thanks I will look into this!

Daniel, actually the reason I’m on this forum is because of real customer feedback. I found Langmuir on a Pirate 4x4 thread. There are several guys over there comparing Langmuir to torchmate and others and Langmuir is winning everyone over.