New XL in Pennsylvania

Just got my Crossfire XL set up and made my first cut. I assembled it with the XL kit, limit switches, water table, THC and Z axis. I figured it was easier to do it all at once.
First cut exceeded my expectations by a lot!

I’m using a PrimeWeld Cut60 v3 and using the CNC port for divided voltage and trigger, it seems to work great. I was a bit nervous after browsing the forum though.

Now I’ve got to get comfortable with Fusion. As it seems like the best way to go. I am comfortable with Corel Draw and have exported dxf’s into Fusion and they processed fine, but I think in the long run designing in Fusion is the better way to go, rather than using SheetCam to process my Corel files.


welcome to the forum…
nice cuts for the first ones…
just a note…from what I see in the picture you do not have enough water in the pan…needs to be about 1/2" to 1/4" from the top to protect the bottom…


I agree with everything Glen said:
:white_check_mark: Welcome to the forum,
:white_check_mark: Great first cut, and
:white_check_mark: Water bed looks thirsty

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