New User - Hypertherm 45XP vs 45 Sync

I just got a CrossFire PRO and decided to get a new plasma machine also. My local supplier has a Hypertherm 45XP in stock and can order a 45 Sync, both with CPC from what I understand. I bought my kit with the THC module also. Any suggestions on which one I will need and is there anything else needed to get it up and running? Would one be an easier and cleaner install?

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TomWS: Done. Moved to general Plasma Cutter category.

I have the Hypertherm 45XP and am glad I have it. Once you learn what is going on with the cuts and the process, you will learn to replace the part that failed: nozzle, swirl ring, shield, retaining cup and electrode. When you have the the sync torch, all of those parts are combined: your only option is to replace the cartridge. Usually you only need to replace the electrode and the nozzle ($16 worth of parts). The sync cartridge costs you for every part each time one part fails ($53 to $60 each time).

If you have a company with lots of inexperienced workers then the Sync maybe the way to go.

You can read on Hypertherm’s website for the advantages of the SYNC system. Since I don’t have that system, I should not knock it.