First timer here. I’ve never used a CAD program or a CNC Plasma table. My short story is that I really like working with metal and welding. I used to build custom steel bicycles as a part time gig. Since I am not building bikes any more I decided to look at other types of metal working and found CNC plasma tables. After doing research I actually found a use CrossFire Pro only about 10 min. from my house. It was already assembled and had all the bells and whistles. I purchase the table, no plasma machine and no computer. I have had the table for just over a month now and have been working with Fusion360 trying to get a grasp on how to design and manufacture. I finally order a plasma cutter and it is showing up today. I purchased the Razorweld 45 from Langmuir. Hopefully, I will be able to get the plasma cutter hooked up to the table and do some test cuts. Keeping my fingers crossed.
Being new to the forum I was trying to create a message in Introductions but I think I can only post in Uncategorized.