New Shapeoko HDM Enclosure Build

Product: Full metal enclosure for a Shapeoko HDM CNC Mill/Router machine

I am still in the diverge stage of the design sprint. Been learning A LOT about how to use Fusion, really enjoying it. Especially happy now that I’ve saved money and no longer need crossover and sheetcam licenses.

Hoping to cut the first panels this weekend on my CFP.

Chip hopper final design iteration after over 5 main diverged designs and over 40 versions across two files. Now I need to finish all the bottom panels, control panel, and apply the gussets and bracing.

My setup will include a vertical work holding area on SMW fixture plates to handle cuts on long skinny things up to 17" tall.


@mg6studios looks like a great add on

Happy to hear it.

Fusion Tip: When image capturing or screen shooting in Autodesk Fusion change the view type from Orthographic to Perspective. If you use the rending workspace Perspective is the default

fusioon view

You can see from the images below how much of a difference this makes.


Does make a little difference! thanks, Tin!


Had to give up on the clamshell, don’t have the headroom in the loc.

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