New Guy - Wisconsin

Hi everyone - New Guy from Antigo, WI. Recently purchased an XR to start building some odd’s and end’s parts as well as signs, etc. Been reading the forum for a couple of months, have an IT background and always willing to fail. :). Love learning so please forgive my questions! Thank you!


You’re in the right place if you have questions. Lots of experienced guys on this website. I only started playing around myself 6-8 months ago. My recommendation is to cut and cut and cut. Software gets easier the more you play around with it.



Welcome to the forum! The only dumb question is the one that isn’t asked… or the one that has already been answered 100s of times (the Search Tool is your friend!).


hi new guy i’m in friendship wi

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Welcome to the forum and good luck getting up and running. But, darn it, I just couldn’t resist. Hope you have a good sense of humor. :grinning:

IT guy huh. Okay, if you have questions for the forum: Press 1 to continue in English; press 2 for password resets; press 3 to open a new concern ticket; press 4 to enter the 9 digit ID number of an existing ticket; press 5 if you don’t have the 9 digit ID number for your open ticket and would like to research and then receive an email with the 9 digit ID number; press 6 to hear these options again.


You forgot. Please reboot to see if that fixes the problem


Welcome to the community. I think you have the right attitude to understand that you will encounter some adversity and pick yourself up and learn from it.

As I have heard a wise man say (paraphrased): “there is not failure, but a learning experience.” I think we can all agree that we often learn more when something goes wrong than we we simply lucked out with all the right choices/settings. There are lots of variables in this world.

At our Home Health office, IT is always quick to offer “we will need to ‘re-image’ your computer.” They have little concern that we are out in the field and do not have the time to go back to the office so they can “wipe” our computer clean. And, they do not help with getting the settings right so that we have access to VPN and Outlook again!!!


Nice - Are you as tired of snow as I am? Didn’t know where Friendship was until I looked it up.

Nice to meet you. Sorry to hear about your IT Dept. I know they can sometimes forget they service the organizations they are in. Most staff are pretty short handed (especially healthcare) nd so that’s why you are likely get that “we’ll re-image you”. Just becomes habit rather than spend the time to troubleshoot the issue. We support VDI pretty heavily and it’s about the best thing I’ve encountered for avoiding business issues on laptops and PC’s. It’s a lot easier to patch one golden image (master image) pushed down with security/drivers/patches to all VDI’s. Essentially makes them a “dummy terminal” for accessing a desktop in our datacenter. Secure, and a reboot is a complete restore in about 2 minutes flat.

Looking forward to a technical challenge without the drawbacks of IT. :slight_smile: I like the quote - and agree, plenty of learning to be had if we pay attention.


That’s pretty good! Might have to use that one on my personal VM.

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@Svanhandel Just kidding.

Everybody here is looking to help people getting started. I am still very new and learn something new every time I log in.


Welcome. Mt. Horeb WI here.

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Nice to meet virtually meet everyone! Found out that my XR shipped yesterday - been planning this for months so I am pretty excited to start, and really looking forward to learning all about the table.


Mine should be shipping end of this month. I currently have a PRO which I love.