I am brand new! I just assembled the table and plugged it all except THC and plasma itself. It will not jog or complete break in test! Any suggestions would be great
Welcome to The Forum.
Start with the obvious, is the power switch on on the back of the electronics enclosure?
Yes power is on toggle switch is res
Bright red light.
Is the power supply in 110 volt mode?
There’s a selector switch for 220 or 110.
Is it set to jog or continuous movement in fire control?
It is currently set to 110 and in jog continuous
Sorry it is set to continuous
Have you tried different speeds.
Is there any noise coming from the motors? (This probably should have been my second question)
Do you have the green lit box that says “Machine: Crossfire PRO”
This will be in FireControl in the upper right portion of the screen.
Yes I have tried different speeds and no I do not get noise from motors. Does the THC have to be green and working for any of it to work?
No. The THC does not have to be installed for Firecontrol to control the table. The only thing you need is a USB connection between the computer and the electronics enclosure. Do you get holding torque on the motors when the control box is powered on? If not, then something is probably wrong with the power supply or the wiring that supplies power to the stepper motor drivers.
Is there something in fire control that says holding torque?
You can hear a kind of a jolt hit the table when you power on the control box if it’s working.
You can hear the motors power up and you won’t be able to turn them by hand.
My point I was trying to get to is that if you installed the THC module wrong, neither the THC nor the “Cross Fire Pro” will come up with green over their names. Did you install the module yet? Is so, check carefully that it is installed correctly.
If that module is turned 180 degrees from the intended position, neither the table nor the THC will be green. You will not have any control of the table. (I speak from experience on this one!)
How is your progress? Any positive results?
Totally a Nano with proprietary code on it. The source is not available.