New computer purchase

Greetings, I am waiting on my new crossfire pro and going to purchase a laptop to operate the machine. I’m not a computer geek but can navigate around one fairly well. What would be a good one to use with ( not looking for brands just specifications) I am retired and not interested in games and stuff like that. If anyone has any suggestions I would greatly appreciate it

I would steer clear of an HP since they add all kinds of fluff that is not necessary. I would get a minimum of an i5 processor and 8GB of ram. a solid state hard drive is nice too…

Are you planning on doing your own modeling with Fusion360 or CAD? If so then you are going to want to get one with a supported graphics card. Here’s a link to some suggestions from NYC CNC website but also gives system requirements for Fusion 360.

Technology moves quickly so I would get the fastest processor and most memory (RAM) that you can afford when purchasing.

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i currently own severa 10 yr old computers and was hoping to get away with a laptop in the $700 range. after watching the YT video in the link, i felt like someone kicked me in the nads. this is getting to be quite an expensive hobby (compressor, table, torch, electrical work…laptop, material). i need to take a deep breath. :slight_smile:


I found a Dell Inspiron 15" Touch Screen with 256gb SSD, DVD/CD, 8gb Ram, 2Ghz CPU, 2 Core. It should run things according to the specs for the Pro. It was $400 through Amazon.

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Thank you for the suggestion RMLLC ! I’ll begin shopping especially since I have
all this shelter-in-place time to kill. (be safe, everyone. keep the distance!)

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Thanks for all the input this will help me decide once I digest it all. Their starting to ship mine I have a second package coming today