New ARCFLAT Cutting Tables work great

I have small shop woes, so I cannot support a big band saw. Improvised with this crosscut jig that I designed.


Now make a area for 45s on the other end.

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I see the open tab slots now.Making two fixtures?

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the open tab slots are for the 45d fence! :slight_smile: You can see it in the picture attached. There is also a stop with a slide rail cut into it. But, after using it I decided the stop was a waste. Now I’m moving on to version 2, which will be much better.


You should definitely consider a stand mounted portable bandsaw or dry cut saw.

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As I stated in the OP, I have a small shop and cannot spare the space. I had a Jet bandsaw and I sold it. So, I already considered it thoughtfully.


I’m referring to a tiny bench top bandsaw. Not a floor horizontal one.

A dry cut saw is an even better option,>%20Band%20Saws%20%2B%20Accessories%20>%20Stationary%20Band%20Saws&utm_campaign=Klutch&utm_content=5797354&ogmap=SHP|PLA|GOOG|STND|m|SITEWIDE|OOT||||19587256490|148102464129&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADpPfbPDsM7vK417O2lMe8nLgQYkX&gclid=CjwKCAjwm_SzBhAsEiwAXE2CvzBva4rMKvL-OQGBRFGq--YgeoxF69vHerM7I4kCTJyhF-gObfxgchoCmmwQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds

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I have a evolution chop saw but still have toyed with this same idea because ive had better luck cutting miters with my metal circular saw and a square.


I had a nice Jet and it was too small… junk. Couldn’t get reliable cuts. I may get a milwaukee M18 bandsaw with the kit one day to convert it to a fixed bandsaw. Maybe.

Besides, the jig I designed works great. It cuts perfectly square, and quickly and it is super portable. I am already thinking up a second version that will be even better.