Mystery line in contour

When I select the contour to set up the cutting profile I got this extra straight line. It doesn’t appear to affect anything; although I have not yet made the cut.
The image came from an *.svg file from Inkscape.
Any ideas on what caused this?

Perhaps ‘it’ picked up reference to the edge of a plane while converting to an SVG. It appears equal distance between the rings considering a 3D object and it was used as a mirror line. Just a guess.

I’ve had unwanted straight lines and arc extensions appear occasionally. Like your experience, they didn’t seem to affect anything, but I copied the features I wanted into a new sketch and they disappeared. I was paranoid they might affect the cut somehow and waste some metal.

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Check for unconnected overlapping nodes - you may need to zoom in really tight. I’ve seen that happen before and the spurious line is created to connect them by the importing app.

Did you buy the file or design it yourself? Two rings right? It’s a cool design, but definitely needs some smoothing. Looks like a bunch of extra nodes were used to try and create the curves. I used to avoid using the bezier handles but now I find them really useful for setting curves without having to add nodes that I then need to blend. You could probably do those big curves with only 3 nodes.

Less nodes = less chance for the problem that @jamesdhatch is probably identifying.

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I grabbed a photo off the web and then did some cleaning up in Photoshop Elements. Unfortunately the original photo was low resolution. I then traced to a bitmap with Inkscape. I’ve had decent luck doing that in the past, but I know now to start with a much higher resolution photo if I do that again. I haven’t had problems with things I’ve drawn myself.

I go through drawing this in Autodesk Fusion in the last half of this live stream

rings forum example tin.f3d (182.9 KB)
rings from forum.dxf (6.8 KB)


I didn’t know it was possible to drag the sketch lines after Extruding and the Body would update.

I learned a new tip!


I know! It is crazy fun what Fusion 360 can and will do. But I will admit that I still get some things off track from time to time.

Did you see the video that Tin posted this morning about the “solid sweep?”

Seems to be “always improving” once you finally figure out what the new features mean. That is one reason why I am usually on-board with updating when a new version is available.


Learn how to edit steps in the timeline and you, too, will become a Time Lord! You can even reorder them so that later updates can appear in an earlier Body!!! :scream:


You are right. That is addictive. Recently, I have been moving lots of things around in my timelines. Really changes the perspective of designing.

Tom, you really know Fusion 360 a lot more than you let on. I am on to you! :eye: :eye:

I also like using the “features” in the timeline when using the pattern tool in design.

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Got you fooled! Actually, full paid up version that I do use quite often. Rarely for Plasma cutting or any 2D work, but a LOT for making Assemblies of various things that I build. Want to build a 3D rotator for your 3D scanner? No problem! Throw some parts onto a Design document, line them up with joints and projections, man, it’s the Cat’s Meow! And, add automation to check out interferences. Yeah, I’m hot now! :rofl: :rofl: :beers: :tumbler_glass: :tumbler_glass: :tumbler_glass: :beers: :crazy_face:


Well…your secret is safe with me. No one else needs to know. :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

I do remember you telling me about ‘projection’ “You really need to learn to use ‘projection’ and ‘components’ for assemblies.” That was when I designed my Rocket Stove and Tin was helping me get a flat pattern after I botched putting the pieces together.

That was a two part lesson: You told me, and I promptly slow-walked, that I would be wise to begin using ‘Components.’

I thought “Tom just used two words that I don’t know!?” What the heck is going on here!!!???

Since then, I have tried to NOT share my f3d files but made the mistake and let Craig see one. All sorts of yellowed out sketches in my timeline. Shame, shame, shame on me. The lesson I learned: No more sharing with Craig. :wink:


I wouldn’t share with Craig (AKA @holla2040 ). He’d turn my 3d Assembly of Drip Irrigation valve into some weird statue for his Xeriscaped Yard Art!

Actually, I did not mention that a lot of the 2D panels that are developed in my Fusion assemblies (heavily using projections to align mounting holes and cutouts etc.), I then turn those into SVGs, which, in turn, I either export to Lightburn for Laser cutting if acrylic or thin plywood, VCarve Pro for CNC Routing if wood or plastic of some sort, or SheetCam for Plasma cutting if metal.

The only Fusion CAM work I do is when I have a true 3D object to be machined on my CNC router.


Hey you guys, I have yellows in some timelines, plenty of not fully defined sketches, file saves without a legit comment, etc. I’m far far from perfect. I’m just a couple Fusion years ahead of you and learn something new everyday.

Now what’s this valve thingy? :crazy_face:

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