My CrossFire Pro Build

Well, took the leap and started welding the pan up tonight. Im liking the way it is coming out.

image image


Well, finished welding this morning and leak checked for 2 hours…and have no leaks. Ta Daa!


Nice weld.

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Tank ya very much. Thank god for pulse settings on the welder. Makes it so much easier.


Looks pretty crude… better send it to me and try again … but in all seriousness those cable tracks turner out very nice. I hope this a add on in the future. As I know if I start from scratch it will take me way too long lol


I followed @felich lead on the operator console. Absolutely love if it. The touch screen is sweet! Only change I made was I went with the mini PC with 4 gigs of ram. Next is a shelf and water table drain and fill.


Hi, I bought Wintel Pro and i’m having a hard time getting FireControl to load. Can you give me the setup you used?

LOVE the wallpaper. Makes it look factory


Thanks! That what I was going for. I couldn’t find a good image on line so I just took a pic of the control box and tweaked it in photoshop.

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It does talks a long time to load for some reason. Probably 30 seconds or more. Once loaded it runs great. I’ve cut tons of stuff with it with no issues just the long load time. Other programs are slow to load compared to a regular PC but much quicker then FC.

I just used the Windows setup process then installed FC.
As others have said, it does take a while to load but then it works as well as a regular desktop PC.

If you are still having problems reply to this post and I will help as best I can.

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What kind of file storage do you have in that box? SD, USB, or SSD (that would be much faster)?

I am tired of trying to get my older computer up and I need more room, I posted this on laptop specs, is this the one you are using? I wasn’t sure if it had enough power

Wintel Pro


Guntruck1776 Yup that’s the one I’m running.

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Thanks! Extra characters

It’s on the board so it’s probably like a SSD. Other programs (larger) load faster then FC. I suspect that FC being in the early stages in not as optimized as other more mature software. On a desktop or laptop you would never notice it. It’s really not an issue for me. I hit the power button and get the shop opened up. It’s ready to run long before I get around to cutting anything.

Still not opening FC. I reset the computer. I tried running as administrator. I waited for 15 minute. Windows is running fine. I can load other software. I redone loaded FC 3 times.

Oh don’t think this a problem I bought the 2GB one. I have the same touch screen.

Not sure if this will help but check out this thread.


Well that did it👍 I have one more thing, the keyboard for the touch screen is on the task bar, but does not pop up with when I want to add text to search.

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