LS logo for our computers

Hey guys you got a logo we can use as back ground etc? Black background with white/red logo.

I couldn’t find on that would size right, I have seen a few screens that people have posted

ETA removed retardation, left background

You probably meant to say wallpaper for your monitor display but yes I would like to get it myself.

Only rich folks got wallpaper, we country folk use back grounds we like


Mountains, lakes, barn, flowers or 1/2 of a 1958 Chrysler, you know what im sayin’ :goat: :crazy_face:

Def. didn’t mean to say screen saver for sure :grimacing:

Also I would like to make a couple stickers for myself on vinyl plotter…wink…wink…

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Actually someone here made some for there PC. Was many moons ago but they will see this topic and reply I hope.

I’m pretty sure @felich has one on his neat touchscreen.

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I’m pretty sure that was the one!

@GunTruck1776 @jimt @TomWS - Nope it wasn’t me. It was @hawkfabshop.

My CrossFire Pro Build


This is the one i use



Nice. Lots of pixels.
