Mouse stops responding for seconds at a time

FireControl is running on a Dell E7450 laptop, and when the controller box is plugged in via USB, the trackpad will work a second or so, then hang for several seconds, then work for a second, lather, rinse, repeat. The pointing stick (red or black button in the middle of the keyboard) works a little more reliably, but it’s subject to the same behavior. Disconnect the controller box, it all works fine. It’s running Windows 10 (and is not Win11 capable). I haven’t cut any large projects, but the few small projects all run with no apparent issues.

99.44% sure this is a USB driver issue. WIndows, drivers, software are all as current as possible.

Any ideas what might be going in here, or if there’s a particular USB driver that needs to be updated for the controller that I’ve overlooked?


I cant help you with your problem, but I just want to say this may be one of the best worded questions for help I have ever seen. It was so easy to understand what you were explaining.
Nice job, Sorry I could not help

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I had the same problem with my Dell Latitude core I5. I disabled the pad and just used a USB mouse. I had other issues with FCtrl vs Dell. My Dell was Win 10 and should have easily had the hardware capacity to run FCtrl. I believe the lack of a dedicated graphics card may have been my issue.

I am running a different laptop the last month and no issues.


Hmm, not much space on the laptop stand for an external mouse. Maybe I’ll see if I can find a used Thinkpad or a MacBook Pro. Is FC compatible with a touchscreen? That’d be kinda nice.

Have you tried taking the laptop off the stand to see if there was a difference? Could be some sort of emi

Does your table pass the continuity test?
It is possible that the usb at the controlbox is grounding out. Dumb question? Did you try a different usb port on the computer? Did this just start ? Has it worked before?

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OK, this is totally bizarre. Plasma cutter is unplugged for all these tests. Issue only occurs when the controller is powered on AND the laptop is sitting in the laptop stand. Lift it up and inch or two, problem goes away. Hold laptop near X, Y, or Z motor cables, no issue. Set laptop on top of metal toolbox, no issues. Run laptop on AC or battery, no difference. It exactly only occurs when sitting on the tray. There is no metal to metal contact with the laptop (it has rubber feet). There is 6.6K ohms resistance between the USB shell and the table. I need to go read the article to see what the acceptable range is.

My theory is that the metal laptop stand is detuning the trackpad. These are capacitance based, and perhaps a combination of being near the motors or cables combined with the ground plane the laptop stand creates is confusing the controller in the trackpad.

For grins, I think I will replace the screws in the laptop swivel bracket with nylon screws, and put a nylon washer between the bracket surfaces. If this eliminates the problem then my theory is correct.

I’ve been in the embedded controller industry for 40+ years, and actually worked on the original force stick that IBM developed (it was called Project Red Eye because the button was red. Go figure…). I’ve seen a lot of EMI/RFI issues, but I can’t say I’ve seen this one before :slight_smile:

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USB outer shell where it comes out of the control box. I ran mine for 2 years without any real noticable issues. That may not be any or all of your issues. These tables the computer needs to be isolated for sure.

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Laptop stand is turning into a transmitter.
I know these guy say that this many ohms is ok. And Langmuir says that this many is ok. Well it’s just ok… Try reading your resistance with the control box 120v plug unplugged. If you get open reading than you need a ground isolation adapter.
image Also make sure the metal ground shield on the printer style usb is not touching the outside of the control box.

What plasma cutter are you using?

I’m unclear as to how the ground prong eliminator would help. The laptop exhibits the failure when it’s running on battery, so it’s completely isolated from the AC side of the equation.

I will verify that USB shell isn’t touching the control box. If the USB connector is anywhere close to centered in the case, there’s no way it should be anywhere close. The PCB side connectors have a fairly large shroud.

I might have a USB isolater from my PLC days. We used those to prevent ground loops between pieces of equipment having different ground potentials on factory floors.

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Razorweld 46. But as I mentioned in one of my replies, it’s not plugged in to the wall. The torch control and THC cables are still connected, however.

So all this is happening with the plasma cutter unplugged? And your computer works fine as long as it is not on the laptop stand?

I think you are on the right track with isolation of the laptop stand. You are right this is a new one. Usually its a ground loop through the machine grounds or cables.

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That’s it exactly.

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What an interesting issue, I’ll be sure to keep this in mind…glad to see y’all got it sorted out!