Motion controller

I downloaded the software and then tried to install the motion controller and im getting a prompt that says no app for this

this is what I get. can someone help?

sorry, here is the full error.


Welcome to the forums…

If you’ve downloaded the motion controller .DLL file. You just need to move it into the Mach3/Plugins folder on your computer… “Usually C:/Mach3/Plugins)”
You don’t need to actually run the file… Just move it to the right place.

Check out this video for help…

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that was it. thank you very much.

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ok, i’m back. im at this point now and have watched this video 20 times. i’m not very good with computers but im trying. im trying to get the mach3plasma in this post process with no luck. when he clicks on users, the next pop up is Langmuir systems. mine does not, nor does it say anything else his shows. any help would be greatly appreciated. I cant wait
to try it out. :slight_smile:

Ok Billy… Where his user name is “Langmuir Systems”… Your user name is “Owner”… That’s fine…

You should be loading the CrossFire Mach3 Fusion 360 Post .CPS file into the POSTS folder you show above on your system…

I think you’re on the right track and are watching the correct video for help :wink:

Just in case, this is the link to the video that has your answers… The good stuff starts at about 40sec. into the video.

Make sure you click the setup as button above and choose “Use personal post library” as mentioned in the video also…

Let us know!! Hope this helps…

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:pray: Thank you so much for your help. I guess the smart thing would be too ask the questions before trying so many times. you have been a tremendous help and im sure my wife thanks you also, this has been driving me crazy. I can wait to go cut my first piece.
have a blessed day.

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That’s great news Billy…!!

Glad you got it figured out and are on your way to making that “first cut” !! Simple as it may be, that’s a HUGE first step…

Make sure you get back here and show us what you’ve got going… This group is FULL of people willing and wanting to help… Never hesitate to ask a question…!

God Bless… Bill P.

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