Can’t move the cross head with the limits on. The limits always trip no matter where the head is located.
The ‘Y’ seems backward. When I stand in front of the table looking down at it. Negative ‘X’ is toward me. Negative ‘Y’ is to the right. For most directional things, negative ‘Y’ is to the left. Is this correct?
Sheetcam is giving negative numbers in the code lines. Trying a dry run is banging on the travel ends. Are those numbers absolute values or change from last position values?
Sheetcam shows a red rectangle and a gray rectangle. Is the working space the red or the gray?
Ok, downloaded and tried to run the break-in program.
Does not complete.
The head runs from the near left corner all the way to the far right corner. Then it grinds against the limits until I stop the program. I’m assumming I shouldn’t let it keep grinding against the limit.
Ok, reset the zeros to the near left corner.
The break-in program runs now. Just moving corner to corner 6 times.
Talked to the maintenance guys that put it together. The limit switch kit is installed. But if I turn the limits to on and hit save, it instantly triggers a hard limit. Does not matter where the cross head is located, it instantly triggers a hard limit.
You do realize that you have the luxury of having a phone number for support just because you have the XR machine. They should be able to get you that answer.