New CFpro is finally up and running, figuring out sheet cam, fire control etc. I’m having an issue though. I’m downloading a few files from fireshare to do some test runs on the table and I’m running into an issue where my plasma is skipping certain areas when cutting. Everything seems fine in the drawing, but as cutter runs, it skips and jumps over random spots within the file. For instance the “F bomb bottle opener”- it does not complete cutting out the area where the bottle cap goes. Any ideas on what this could be or if anybody has run into this I’d appreciate any guidance. Thanks
first…is there a 4T 2T setting on your torch…oh by the way what plasma system are you running?
is your compressor stuggling or is it good dry air?
those are always the first things to check.
Not sure about the 4T or 2T, I’ll have to look. I have the xt40 hand torch for the Miller 625 Xtreme.
Compressor seems to running fine. Would “non dry air” usually affect the actual firing of the torch in odd area’s? I thought it would just affect my consumables and cut quality? Thx
Is it always the start or end of a cut that it skips?
I vote for pierce delay. Pictures always help, give us as much info as possible. These are not issues that are easy to troubleshoot. Lots of variables.
Will send pics and video next time I’m in front of it. Thx
I agree to check the 2T/4T setting on your plasma cutter. If you’e not too sure what to look for, you can find more information about this setting here:
Do miller’s have that 2t 4t setting also?
Thank you @langmuir-aksel, I knew about the settings and should be in 2-T for the CNC. I didn’t know what the 4-T did! New information for me, thanks again!
I don’t believe that Miller has the T2/T4 setting on any of their machines. I have the Spectrum 875 and there are no torch settings on it.