I have a miller xtreme 625, is currently wired for hand torch on the crossfire. I recently got a machine torch (XT40M), was anyone wired one of these for use with crossfire?
Should be the same. Does your 625 have a CNC port, or are you wired to live voltage and the trigger wires?
There’s a few topics about the xt40m torch
And there’s quite a few topics about the 625.
It doesn’t have CNC port, I believe it’s like a 2021 model. The torch isn’t firing, but the regular hand torch will fire.
Where were you connected to make the hand torch fire?
Here’s what miller sent me… I’m not exactly sure what they’re asking me to do.
It’s currently wired for hand torch…
Is that all that they sent?
They are directions, although China has better on their bad translation copies.
Looks like you might be missing a page.
It would seem that you need to connect the torch fire to RC1-3 and RC1-4 and the THC to 5 and 6 on the second page for live voltage. There might be a second point with a voltage divider on it, but again some of it appears to be missing.
Did you ever get the machine torch to work? I currently have the 625 on my pro using the hand torch and now im wanting to upgrade to the xt40m torch without having to buy the automation kit.
You could consider going with a Hypertherm torch head and a handle.
There are companies that retrofit the hypertherm plastic handle and torch head on to existing leads on other machines.
Or you could consider buying the parts and attempting it yourself. There is only two parts that you would need. The handle and the torch head.
@ds690 has a retrofitted hypertherm torch on his Everlast that works well for him.
I was considering doing the conversion myself on a Everlast 60s torch that I have. plan on packaging it up and selling with my crossfire pro.