Max sheet size on OG and XL

What is the max size sheet of metal does the og accommodate? I know the dimensions they state but can it accommodate a full 24” x 24” or do I need to cut down sheets. Same question for the xl kit. Thanks in advance. Still waiting for delivery.

The cutting area on the ‘24x24’ is actually 25" in X, 23" in Y (33" on the XL). Note that the open ended Y axis allows you to use a much larger sheet and you can move it between cuts. With this behavior you can make object much larger than the Y limits by doing ‘Indexing’ moves between cuts. I’ve reliably cut 72" artwork this way.

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Thanks. As to get the most out of cuts off a master sheet of metal can a 24”x24” piece physically fit on the table though?

Thanks. As to get the most out of cuts off a master sheet of metal can a 24”x24” piece physically fit on the table though?

A piece 25"+x33"+ will fit ON the table with only 23 of the 33" addressable on the non-XL version.

Note that the slats raise the work a bit above the water table edge so that there really isn’t a size constraint in either direction in Y or plus direction in X.

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Great thanks for the feedback.