Ls thc issues not communicating

Hey guys! Having an issue with the ls thc. It says connected but i get a message at top saying connection help. I deleted the previous drivers and reinstalled them. I found the drivers on an existing isseue with someone else. I have attached the erros i get. I unplugged the wire air cleaned it. Replugged it in. Restarted pc and firepro. Any help wiould be appreciated!!

Good afternoon @AchillesMetal ! Check out the attached troubleshooting flow chart. But please feel free to reach out to us at if we aren’t able to get the issue sorted in this thread.



You will most likely need to manually re-flash the THC firmware. I cannot send you instructions to do so here, because the THC firmware filetype itself is not supported by the forum. Please reach out to us directly at, and either link this forum thread or mention re-flashing the THC firmware in your email, and we can get instructions to you. If re-flashing the THC firmware doesn’t do the trick, your THC electronics module may need to be replaced.


I ended up reflashing and im not able to communicate and connect with the ls thc. Now it seems my pierce delay is off. Everything was doing good up until this issue.