Looking to hire out an easy design as I'm new to this and need a project done


I’m trying to finish some large barn door window frames and still trying to learn the software but my wife wants those windows done asap. So I’m asking if anyone would be interested in building some cut ready file(s) for me at a price for time/labor. I would imagine this is about as mundane as it gets but I don’t want to ruin a 16ga 4x8 sheet of metal. Project details:

CrossFire XR
Razor 45
16ga 4x8 foot sheet metal
Dimensions: 48"x48"
4 equidistant openings with a cross type framing on the front (look like a window)
3" exterior boarder 2" interior frame width
4 holes on each of the sides and top for fastening to door frame

Where you’re located would be useful information…

start out cutting something like this before going to far…

Test Card | FireShare | Langmuir Systems

Tom, I think he is just looking for someone to draw it up and do the CAM and send him the file to cut on his XR.

Still some risk involved as settings that work well for one, won’t necessarily work for someone else. The OP would still need to do some testing to verify feeds and speeds for his plasma cutter.

Also you should consider cutting some small simple designs before moving on to something large where messing things up would be expensive.


Is this design correct to start with?

3" frame
2" rail and stile
4 holes per side for mounting

Also in all these years on the forum, why won’t it tag the person when I hit reply to their post?

Anyway, jlay47 I will upload the DXF file. Maybe someone else can give you the cut ready TAP file. Sheetcam is on my shop machine and I’m in the house. The design file only took a few minutes.

Zipped DXF file with holes on all 4 edges:

window_rev1.zip (9.6 KB)

Zipped DXF file with holes on 2 sides and top edges:

window rev2.zip (9.5 KB)


BarnDoor v4.f3d (114.8 KB)
BarnDoor.nc (5.3 KB)

If you go into Fusion 360, you can see what I picked for CAM details:

You will really need to test your setting before you destroy a sheet of metal. I have a Hypertherm 45XP so my cut settings are pretty close to book but the cut height, pierce height and pierce delay are much different than what I picked for this exercise.

I am not sure if you wanted the four holes to include the corners. All can be modified. Other assumptions were the size of the holes. I picked 1/4" as even if you want them larger, you will find that you will get better results if you drill your final size with a drill bit.

Anyone can help make changes. No charge from most of us but we don’t take responsibility for the setup on your end. Try a simple cutting just to dial in your speed, cut height and pierce delay. You will also want the air to be right and the work clamp on the metal.

You could load the G-code into FireControl and perform a dry run with BarnDoor.nc file but I would not advise to start cutting with this until you have done the previous research. Metal does not grow on trees!!!


@john_s, I tried to import your DXF into Fusion 360 but only got the holes. I am not sure what happened.

To tag someone, start by typing the “@” symbol and many users on the topic will come up as options. When you type the first letter of their name, you will narrow it down or you can cursor to the name:



@ChelanJim Don’t know. I use ViaCAD and Sheetcam for years. Never used Fusion.

Many thanks on the forum tip!


This is amazing. Appreciate All the support and yes was just struggling with getting up to speed on fusion and sheetcam. You all make it look easy and I’ll keep working at it to get better. Thank you for the leg up and if I can compensate just tell me where to deliver the $$ as this is awesome and exactly what I wanted.

I do know in fire control it has a scaling function so I can shrink to see how it does on some sample size sheets but for sure can’t afford a loss this size. There is also dry run to see how it rolls. I’ll play with settings that I’ve been reading and testing for the metal thickness.

Truly do appreciate the efforts to help me out.


Thanks again. I just bumped it to 99% scale and ran it at 65% feed speed, 30 amps and worked amazing. I’ll get more pics when it’s painted and installed in the door.


Thank you again. Got one pair of windows in the doors and it looks great!