Looking for Help

I doubt it will handle fusion…

to go back a bit…are you doing mostly artsy stuff and signs?..
if so try inkscape…it is free and pretty easy to use…

I started 2 years ago with zero CNC experience and I eventually got it…patients and time


+1 on this. @OHejlYeah Inkscape is easier than Fusion and will require fewer computer resources. You will need Sheetcam to do the CAM operation (Inkscape handles the CAD part).

People can send you SVG or DXF files and you can use Inkscape to open them and modify them. Then use Sheetcam to generate the GCode (machine instructions) for running in Firecontrol to actually cut stuff.


I’m finally finished toiling. I’m going to start a live stream shortly after 8:00 p.m. Pacific standard Time.

Live stream Files

f bomb tin v0.f3d (237.3 KB)
f bomb tin.nc (7.6 KB)

pierce delay 1 sec ipm 55 amps 45 pierce height .15 cut height .06 psi 75

Something like this?

Check out the video

1 Like

This video is very helpful, but how do i change it from mm to inches?? Im shadowing what you are doing exept on my screen, everything is in millimeters.

Nevermind…i got it.

I design in Adobe Illustrator, then export as DXF into 360 for creating G-code. Everyone says to use SVG but I’ve had size inaccuracies that way so I stick to DXF. You can modify many EPS stock files to make them cut-able. These programs were designed with pro drawing in mind so their interfaces are more intuitive.
Any drawing program that works in eps format (so not Photoshop) can work. Inkscape for instance. Lots of people use SketchUp, which is web-based and free. But you’ll still need Fusion360 or Sheetcam to program the machine code (G-code).

How do I add the post processor? When I go to it on my screen, it is blank and we don’t know what to select from the library.

Make sure you download the post processor from langmuir main site.

Small pencil or the file on the right hand side of the bar that currently says langmuir 1.6 but it’s blank in yours.

Then navigate through your file system and find that file you downloaded it’s extension is.

*.cps if I remember correctly


ive downloaded the fire control v1.6, but i cannot get it to load into the post bar. i am so lost.

Can you locate the file you downloaded in your file system?

Can you screenshot in Fusion 360 where you’re trying to install it.

All uninstall mine and do a walk-through video of reinstalling it if I have to.

My wonderful and more patient wife found it and got it installed. Sometimes cooler heads prevail. I have to slow down and breathe. Thanks again for your help. Im sure this isnt the last time you see a post from me.